August 2018 Meeting Notes- Lani Grass, Backstage LLC

Meeting Minutes- Bullet Points

August 2, 2018


·        President Kim Boaz opened the August meeting.  Attendees introduced themselves and provided shout outs for members who helped them in some way during the last month. 

·        Today’s speaker, Lani Grass, an entrepreneur for over 20 years, founded a branding and coaching business called Backstage, LLC.  The main topic of discussion was using our personal brand blue print to promote ourselves.  Branding today is different mainly due to social media.  We need to focus on building core values and attracting clients based upon those values.  She discussed client attraction and what personal branding means to each of us.  Personal brand is what others say about you when you aren’t in the room.  We need to be as consistent in our online profiles as we are in person. 

·        Next, brand promise was discussed.  A brand promise is what the client will receive.  A good brand offers value.  Be intentional about the qualities you want to have or become.  Ideally, others should know how we are unique from the competition and why we should be hired for the job.   Take time to consider what you are personally passionate about and how you can be intentional and consistent with the qualities you wish to be part of your personal branding.

·        We were challenged to answer the question “If I could create change in my community and there weren’t any barriers, what would I do”?  The take away was to find what you love and build on it.

·        In addition to the services each one of us offers to the public, it is important to consider the emotional benefits we offer, such as removing stress and allowing businesses to focus on what they do best.  How do clients feel once we have helped them?  Consider focusing on our benefits on our websites.

·        The time and location of the next meeting is Thursday September 6, 2018 from 11:30 – 1:00 at the Meals on Wheels location at 7710 SW 31st Avenue, Portland OR 97219.   The topic is cyber security.  Our next social event is scheduled for Monday September 24 with the Woodard Group.   If you have any ideas for future social events, please contact Kim.     Please share this group and our website with others you know and on social media.  The more people we have in our group, the greater the collaboration. 

The All-Star Accounting Professionals website is not currently working.  We are looking to move to a new platform.  If anyone knows of someone willing to help us, please let Kim Boaz know.  A PSU student intern was mentioned as an option.  The next Woodard Group meeting is August 13 at the Chapel Pub.