February 1st 2018 Meeting Notes
/February 1st Meeting Notes Bulleted By Linda Lagraff
Technology: What's Working and What's Not.
February 1, 2018
Vice President Melissa Barton opened the February 1st meeting with a discussion of what is working and what isn’t with technology. She told about a small manufacturing company that was trying to do too much in QB, when what they needed was to only track finance in QB and move everything else out. She got them using ShipStation.
- Discussion followed regarding other programs
- LightSpeed was recommended for restaurants and small to medium size retail businesses. It integrates with QBs
- Adobe, at the paid dues level, allows you to transfer pdf files to either excel or word programs.
- The pdf2qbo program makes transferring bank statements to QuickBooks easier
- com was highly recommended. It has authorizations features and allows clients to set up systems to assure those that need to see and approve bills prior to payment can.
Discussion then turned to 1099s and what worked or changes to consider for 2018
- Have all vendors fill out a new W9 in Jan every year. This way all information is current and not waiting until a vendor reaches the $600 limit before remembering to collect a W-9
- Clients should set up a policy that vendors will not be paid until the W-9 is received
As tax season is upon us questions were presented to the CPAs in attendance for their advice
- Most liked to receive back-up or portable QB files.
- Most liked that their clients used account numbers
- Most also agreed that they like to be able to discuss things with a client’s bookkeeper. If your clients allow it, introduce yourself to their CPAs
March 1st meeting will be a demonstration of XERO software. Presented by staff from XERO. There will be time for questions. Meeting will be at Meals on Wheels locatons at 7710 SW 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97219. 11:30-1:00 pm and it is a bring your own lunch style meeting.