May 4th Meeting Minutes - Bulleted Points


  • President Kim Boaz opened the May 4th meeting by having the board and those present introduce themselves, providing shout-outs to members who were helpful.
  • Today’s speaker was Josh Willner with GNSA speaking on the topic of marketing tips and tricks.
  • Josh covered the importance of having a web presence, which includes a website, social media, blogs, marketing and networking.
  • Josh also discussed a social network for local business networking called Alignable.
  • It is a truism that first impressions count and we should start with a strong web presence.  Our websites must include the products and services we offer.
  • Having video content on the website is a great medium and easy to send out to prospective clients and other contacts.  Consider adding a picture or business card on your site and including referral sources.
  • Next, we discussed various marketing automation platforms, including MailChimp and Constant Contact.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be used by anyone reaching out to prospective clients.
  • Josh’s plans for the future entail development of a case study to target an industry. You may wish to collect testimonials from your best clients and use to attract future prospects.
  • Members broke into small groups and discussed the following questions.
  1. What has been your biggest marketing success?
  2. What has been your biggest marketing flop?
  3. How much time do you spent on marketing per week?
  4. Have you worked with companies that help create marketing campaigns?


  • Josh stated that he would make his presentation available to those interested.
  • It was mentioned that we need a speaker for the month of October. Karla DeSantis volunteered to be the speaker that month.
  • Terry Marsh has organized the next All-Star Accounting Professionals social event to be held on June 8 (Thursday) at the Punch Bowl Social from 5 to 8 PM. The location is 340 SW Morrison Street in Portland 97204.  We look forward to seeing you there!