October 5th Meeting Minutes - Social Media Marketing

All Star Accounting Professionals Meeting Minutes Bullet Points

October 5, 2017

  • President Kim Boaz opened the meeting by having introductions of members and guests. Kim mentioned that October 26 is our “Meet Our Members” Event.
  • Speaker Coordinator Summer Hiett introduced today’s speaker, Karla DeSantis. Karla works at Impact CFO Services.  Her topic was Social Media.
  • Facebook is the most popular of all US social media sites. One of every six minutes is spent on a social networking site.  66% of online adults and 44% of small business decision makers use social media.  Business to business companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month than non-blogging companies.

Karla next turned her attention to the seven ways to dominate Social Media.

  1. Posting frequently equals results. Inactivity is dangerous. Tools for posting include Buffer, Oomph and Facebook ads.
  2. The three most common platforms are Facebook, Linked In and Twitter. Facebook allows you to show your personality.  Linked In tends to be mostly for professional use and extensive industry networking.  Twitter is for short posts.
  3. Deadline reminders – photos are more engaging than plain text. Online tools include Pablo, Canva and Pix.
  4. Ask questions to engage your readers. The readers start to answer the questions in their mind.
  5. Vary your content. The content should not read like a billboard ad.  Videos are good.
  6. Make it personal. Consumers love to feel they have personal connections.  Show your humanity and come out ahead of your competitors.  Feature an employee and post a photo.  Include social events.
  7. Inspire your audience. Search for inspirational quotes that inform and inspire followers.  Testimonials are very helpful but make sure to ask for permission from the client.

Our group was given five questions to consider.

  1. Can you answer this? “Only we …..”.
  2. Can our culture nurture and sustain a social media transformation? Budget, content and vision will not determine your success if we don’t nurture this change.
  3. Where are our customers and competitors?
  4. What is our source of rich content? Blog, video, podcast? Make it in depth, searchable and quotable.
  5. What does success look like? Set expectations and metrics ahead of time.  Are those expectations realistic, achievable and focused?

Kim Boaz asked if people are using Alignable.  It is similar to Yelp.  You get noticed if you post an event or ask a question.

One way to acquire new clients is to join groups such as Linked In and answer questions.  You can be seen as an expert.

  • C. is a member of the Woodard Group which meets at the McMenamin’s Chapel Pub at 430 NE Killingsworth from 11 AM – 1 PM. They discuss business and exchange leads.  Presentations can include software that integrates with Intuit QuickBooks.  Meetings are free but there is a fee to join the National group.
  • Our next All Star Accounting Group meeting will be Thursday November 2 from 11:30 – 1 PM at the Meals on Wheels location at 7710 SW 31st Avenue, Portland OR 97219. The topic for the meeting is planning for Year 2018.  December is our holiday luncheon located at The Stockpot Restaurant at 8200 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton 97008.  Remember, the group does not meet in January but resumes meetings the first Thursday in February.